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Concerning the Time Since Key Biscayne

Beloved reader, You you may recall the circumstances of our previous correspondence. Our heroes and the Streakin’ Deacon, were literally suspended in adventure deep in the Florida Keys. With nothing but a few roadside tools, an electric drill, and a robust palm branch, our protagonists leveraged themselves out of […]

Stranded in Crandon Park, Key Biscayne

You read that correctly – The Streakin’ Deacon was stranded for a little over 24 hours in Key Biscayne, FL. Not a bad place to be stranded if you ask me: Ok, so there wasn’t a beautiful mangrove tree by the water but […]

Locked Out But Not Shut Out

Hey guys! I have an awesome story to tell you and I’m so excited I can barely stand it! Let’s hop right in: It all starts with these wonderful WFU Orlando Alums: We were all hanging out at the Streakin’ Deacon sipping on some […]

The Charleston Park Angels

There’s magic in the air. You may know what I’m talking about if you live in the Charleston area. It goes something like this: one day you wake up and you’re on your morning stroll and the patch of greenery that used to be overgrown is […]

Streakin’ Deacon Headed South

Hey everyone! For those of you living in our beloved city of Winston-Salem, you may have noticed the nearly foot of snow we received a couple weeks ago. The white fluffy stuff blanketed the area in nearly 9 inches! Despite certain encouragements from certain- cough, […]

It’s Going to Be a Very “Go Deacs” December!

Wake Forest Athletics…all we can say is WOW! Quick recap of this past weekend – first, on Saturday, The Wake Forest Men’s Soccer team beat Virginia Tech 2-0 to advance to the Semi Finals of the NCAA Championship in Houston, TX.  Then, the excitement continued […]
