Distinguished Alumni Award Winners

Distinguished Alumni Award Winners for 2012 are (left to right): Mike Aiken (‘71), Ben Sutton, Jr. (‘80, JD ‘83) and Libba Evans (‘74, MBA ‘78).
Have you heard of the Distinguished Alumni Award? Dating back to 1959, it is awarded to those alumni who embody the values of Wake Forest and have demonstrated extraordinary service to the University, their field, humanity, or society.
Interestingly enough, though this honor has been awarded since 1959, it was first presented to recipients last year. Honorees from 1959 – 2011 were celebrated at a gala. That tradition continued this year in honor of the 2012 recipients: Mike Aiken (‘71), Libba Evans (‘74, MBA ‘78), and Ben Sutton, Jr. (‘80, JD ‘83).
We were particularly tickled with Alumnus John Rosser’s (‘72) email message to his Kappa Alpha fraternity brothers following the gala. After obtaining his permission, we are thrilled to share his recap with you all:
Dear Brothers:
In attendance at the Wake Forest University dinner last Friday, was our own reporter, Brother Dr. Robert Poteat, who filed this report:
Hannah and I, representing my father, attended the Distinguished Alumni Awards Gala last night in Winston. It was a wonderful evening filled with fellowship and remembrances. The presentation of the three awards this year was handled by
brother Arthur Orr, WFU ’86 and President of the Alumni Association. Ben was the final recipient, and when he came to the stage his first comment was to Arthur, “You’ll always be a pledge to me.” Some things never change. Ben spoke beautifully and was really the high point of the evening. Wheat/BarleyBob
Thanks, Bobby! Brother Sutton we are proud of you! Brother Orr, thanks for your leadership!
Wheat, barley, ……..
John Rosser, No. IV, Emeritus
Corresponding Secretary and Recreational Director
Thanks, John, for allowing us to share your correspondence with the wider alumni community.
Want to know more about the Distinguished Alumni Award? You can watch videos of the recipients and take a look at the event program on our website, or read more in Wake Forest Magazine. We welcome nominations for the Distinguished Alumni Award from the Wake Forest community. Think of those friends, colleagues, and classmates who embody the core principals of Wake Forest and have demonstrated extraordinary service to the University, their field, humanity, or society.