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As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of our “Questionable Behavior”, we can’t help but remember those we have lost that were there with us that infamous day.  

KAsLewis Cheek ’73, Bruce Fraser ’73, Pete Jones ’73, Rick Adcock ‘75, Tim Graham ‘76 and Anderson Hostetler ‘76, Dave Mervine ’77, Tom Huber ’77, and Dean of Men and KA advisor Mark Reece ’49
Fideles:  Janet Henderson Coggins ‘74, Becky Smith Edsall ‘74, Cathy Hooser White ‘75 and Beth Robinson ‘76, Carroll Brundred ’78, Laura Elliott ’78

The planning committee selected two options for memorial gifts. We will announce the gift totals at the party on Friday, September 8.

Conservation Fund for Mark Reece Art Collection

In 1962, Dean Mark Reece founded the Student Acquired Contemporary Art Buying Trip. The collection now contains nearly 200 artworks by 100 different artists and is celebrating its 60th Anniversary. A new conservation fund has been established in his memory to maintain and add to the collection. For more information on the collection please visit the Mark H. Reece Student-Acquired Collection of Contemporary Art.

Wake Forest Fund for Student Experience

The Wake Forest Fund for the Student Experience is intended to provide support for the co-curricular activities and programs that enhance the lives and learning of Wake Forest students. This fund supports a wide variety of activities and opportunities for students outside of the classroom ranging from support for the Women’s Center to Club Sports from service-learning trips to Campus Ministries from Student Government to the Euzelian Society.

If you prefer to mail a check payable to Wake Forest University, please indicate the designation and send it to

Wake Forest University
Attn:  Emily Cockerham/Morning Mixer Memorial Gift
PO Box 7227
Winston-Salem, NC 27109