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We are pleased to announce the 2016-17 Alumni Council Innovation Fund winners. The Innovation Fund Selection Committee has chosen to fund Deacs in the Heart of Texas submitted by the WAKEAustin, Professional Development Workshop submitted by WAKENewYork, Volunteer Recruiting Social submitted by WAKECharlotte and the 1st Annual Latino Alumni Reunion submitted HOLAA.

Deacs in the Heart of Texas will celebrate Deacon & Texas pride for alumni, parents and incoming Deacons at the end of the summer.  Deacons will be invited to participate in a night of two-steppin’ and fundraising for The Wake Forest Fund. Participants will raise individual dollars and sponsorships for their night of dancing.

Professional Development Workshop will be a three-part series geared towards helping young professionals acclimate towards "the working world. The first session will focus on professional development, taught by a career coach. The second session will focus on personal finance and the third will focus on how to change careers.  Louise Gunderson, Managing Director at UBS and formed Parents Council Member, will facilitate the session about personal finance.

Volunteer Recruiting Social will be an evening social which brings together the WAKECharlotte community to introduce them to volunteer opportunities in Charlotte. A similar event last year helped recruit approximately 35 HEART math tutors.

1st Annual Latino Alumni Reunion hopes to reconnect alumni and showcase the ever growing support available for current Latinos on campus by celebrating the Latino culture and its presence on campus.  It will encourage Latino alumni to actively participate in our newly created alumni group and network with current students. This event will include conversation around Latino identity at WF (current and alumni) and recognize their achievements.

As always, there were some wonderfully innovative submissions this year, and we look forward to supporting more club programming in the years to come. If you are interested in getting feedback with regard to your club’s proposal, please contact Evan McMillan.

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