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This Spring, a number of members of the alumni family were formally honored for their innovation, service, and dedication to the Pro Humanitate spirit of Mother So Dear. Please join us in recognizing them! Congratulations to our 2015 alumni honorees.

EvanOn Wednesday, April 8th, Evan Raleigh (’09, MAM ’10) was given the inaugural “Alumni-Student Engagement Award” by the Office of Alumni Engagement, at Campus Life’s Pro Humanitate Banquet. The “Alumni-Student Engagement Award” recipient is presented by the Office of Alumni Engagement to an individual chosen by an alumni committee to represent what being an engaged alumnus in regards to our current students looks like… giving back of one’s time to the best of their abilities, to forward the future of Deacons.

Evan graduated from Wake Forest University in 2009 as a political science major, completed the WFU Masters in Management in 2010, and is now the Assistant to the City Manager for the City of Winston-Salem. Evan serves the community by serving as a Young Leaders United Co-Chair and sits on the Board of Directors of United Way of Forsyth Country. Evan serves his alma mater by volunteering on the WFU Alumni Council, the MA Development Board, and engaging campus throughout the school year as an invaluable volunteer for the Office of Alumni Engagement, OPCD and Campus Life, as an event host, student mentor, table facilitator, alumni panelist, and much more. Evan and his wife Cierra, class of 2010, both give with great zeal of their time, talents, and treasure to Mother So Dear, and we are honored that these wonderful alumni continue to be a force for good both on campus and in our beloved community. Please join us in congratulating Evan Raleigh!


TiltOn Thursday, April 16th, James Beshara (’08) was given the “Alumni Excellence in Entrepreneurship Award” by the Center for Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship.


17213700161_8c2646aeeb_zOn Friday, April 17th, Killian Noe (’80) and Louis Bissette (’65, P ’94) were honored as the 2015 “Distinguished Alumni Award” recipients by the Wake Forest Alumni Council.


On Tuesday, April 22nd, Chip Patterson  (’72, MALS ’02) was presented the “Distinguished Service Award” by the Office of Campus Life for his dedication to strengthening the members of DKE for over fifteen years. Former president Carlos Barrios (DKE 2013) wrote: “Chip played a vital role in my experience at Wake Forest, not only as adviser to the DKE chapter but as a mentor and friend. I witnessed Chip’s care for the University, his fraternity, and the student body first hand through the actions he took, even when he knew these would not bode well with the majority. He always had the student’s best interests in mind and went above and beyond to make sure we were doing right. Chip’s commitment and love towards Wake Forest is an example for every Demon Deacon to follow in our quest to do well for humanity.” Former President William Myers (DKE 2011) wrote: “If there’s one thing that I can say that I knew for certain about Chip, it’s that he loved us. Chip knew that we were boys growing into men and knew exactly how to help us grow. Looking back at my time as president, I can very clearly see how Chip influenced almost everything good thing that came out of our fraternity.It was Chip who the main voice of reason when we got into trouble and it was Chip who was unconditionally on our side no matter what we did. This isn’t to say Chip agreed with all of our decisions, he would always be honest and upfront with us when it came to encouraging us to do the right thing or telling us when we made a mistake. However, not once did I ever get the feeling that there was anything we could do where Chip would not stand beside me and the rest of our fraternity. It was that kind of unconditional love and support that, looking back, I learned from most during my year as president. Chip may not even be aware of the impact he has had. But I would say that Chip, either directly or indirectly, has single-handedly had the biggest positive impact on the DKE’s at Wake.”

Congratulations to Mr. Chip Patterson as the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award.  Thank you for your profound love and abiding commitment to Wake Forest University and the Fraternity and Sorority community.

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