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instagramOne in five American children lives without consistent access to adequate food. For these children and their families, summer can be especially hard, as they lose access to the school breakfasts and lunches that they rely upon.

This May 9, we can turn the tables on childhood hunger.

By joining fellow Deacs in your local community and across the nation, you can raise food and awareness to make a difference in the lives of hungry children and their families. Make the choice to connect with old friends and make a few new ones, while doing our part to make sure that no child goes hungry this summer.

Together, we will show the world that Good Wears Black.

Please visit your local club page to learn how you can contribute in your community. In addition to volunteering, you may gather food, and share your efforts via social media. Collect food on your own, or together with family and friends, and donate to the local food pantry of your choice. Share your efforts via social media by posting pictures and stories using#GoodWearsBlack. A list of suggested items and details on how to share your experience may be found on our website.

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