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Every year, Wake Foresters take advantage of trips to far-flung places that are offered by the Office of Alumni Engagement. Places like Alaska, Paris, Cuba and Polynesia, all 2015 destinations, provide wonderful travel experiences for the Wake Forest family.

This year, we’ve added two enhanced trips that include Wake Forest faculty to add a learning dimension that will remind us of those special relationships that we forged with our professors when we were students.

In the spring, Professor Emeritus Larry West will host Wake Forest friends in Vienna and Salzburg—a trip that’s sure to delight, inspire and inform.

And in the summer, Dr. Jay Ford and I are inviting Wake Foresters on a trip to Bali for two weeks of cultural immersion that you’ll never forget.

Why Bali?

On a trip there last summer, I was taken by the rich artistic, political and spiritual heritage of the island. It’s not just a tropical paradise—it’s a cultural concoction whose ingredients include rich and varied religious influences and societal traditions brought about by its unique island location, all in the setting of the complex political dynamic influenced by the spice trade hundreds of years ago.

We’ll start off in Ubud, the town that Eat, Pray, Love fans will recognize, where we’ll be immersed in the Balinese arts and healing community. Then, we’re off to the remote village of Suduji, where we’ll stay with local hosts to participate in their annual Rice Goddess Festival.

Everywhere we’ll go, we will engage with the people and the place in the spirit of Pro Humanitate.

This is a trip that will challenge your intellect and fill your heart, all while enjoying the company of friends in the Wake Forest Family. I hope you’ll join us.

Mary Tribble is Senior Advisor for Engagement Strategies at Wake Forest.

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