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On Saturday, November 1st, 22 alumni joined together on campus for the first ever “Alumni Progressive Dinner”, transitioning between the new dining options on campus, while enjoying time to connect with new and old Deacon faces.

The alumni group began at Shorty’s to enjoy appetizers and mingling, then did a walk-through tour of the Fresh Food Company (“the Pit”), had pizza in the Zick’s on the Quad (the former post office), and ended the progressive dinner in the North Dining Hall by having dessert at Bistro ’34. If you would like to learn more about these dining options on campus (always available to alumni, family & friends!), you can do so here.

Here is what a few alumni had to say about the event:
“It’s one way to become familiar and comfortable with the campus again since there are probably at least twice as many buildings on campus as when I attended Wake. Also it was interesting to discover what the present students experience food wise as it is totally different than the old “pit” and dairy/sandwich bar off the Reynolda patio which were our only options on campus in the old days. I think all alumni would be interested to know that they too can experience all the restaurant choices on campus.”

“I truly enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and the group size was perfect. We could chat and connect with different alumni as the evening wore on, yet we were free to explore the different dining areas and talk with WFU staff as well. I enjoyed asking questions and hearing how WFU has changed, but has also tried to stay true to the WFU spirit. The pizzas at Zick’s were also fantastic! I’m delighted to know that I can dine on campus anytime and not wait for a future progressive dinner.”

There was also a really special moment that Saturday night as well, as two alumni who “attended” the dinner as a date, actually had a huge surprise in order! Read more here to learn about how John Turner (’12) asked his Demon Deacon sweetheart, Sam Perrotta (’12) to marry him that evening!



We hope to make the on-campus Progressive Dinner a new tradition at Wake Forest, and hope you and any loved ones will be able to join for the next one. Please email Laura Harrell (’92) with any questions about future dinners, and be on the lookout for the next invitation.

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