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On Tuesday, October 7th, nearly 20 students gathered for the Junior Men’s Dinner. This program is a collaboration between the Alumni Office and the WFU Mentoring Resource Center. The dinner facilitates discussion with Wake Forest alumni around topics including paths to success, work/life balance, and navigating the transition from college to post-college life.

What impact does this type of program have on the Wake Forest Community?

“A lot of what the alum at our table said strongly resonated with me, especially the part about defining success through the impact you have on those around you. As I pursue a science/health related career, I eagerly anticipate getting the chance to offer my skills and services to those in need.”
– Class of 2016 Participant

“I was skeptical about going at first, but I am so glad I did. Looking back at the handout the alum gave us, I realize how valuable the advice is and that it is applicable to everyday life, in and beyond my time at Wake. I think the most telling part of the evening, from our table’s perspective, was as our group was leaving, we wished it was not over.”
-Class of 2016 Participant

“It was my pleasure to get together with these students, who are squared away and have some bright futures ahead of them. I admired how they desire to make impact, as most young men are not thinking through that ideal at their stage of life. I challenged them to consider the older and wiser men that they can continue to connect with.”
Evan Taylor (’08)

Thanks so much to our Fall 2014 facilitators!
Coleman Team (’09), Partner, Linville | Team
McFall Pearce (’09, MBA ’16), MBA student at WFUSB
Van Nguyen (’08), Research Coordinator, Womble Carlyle
Ira Williams (’99), Assistant VP, Allegacy Federal Credit Union
Evan Taylor (’08),  Regional Security Coordinator, BB&T

If you would be interested in participating in one of these dinners on campus in the future, or hosting something similar in your local WFU Alumni Club, please reach out to Stephen Edwards, in the Office of Alumni Engagement.

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