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Next week will mark the 180th birthday of Wake Forest. On Monday, February 3, 1834, Wake Forest Manual Labor Institute opened its doors and admitted its first student. In those early days, students were schooled in agriculture by day and the Baptist ministry by night. They forged the values–hard work, dedication to helping others, and following one’s true passion–which are still synonymous with Wake Forest to this day. This year, let’s take a moment to pause and celebrate Mother, So Dear’s birthday. Join in on the fun all week long here on campus and online.


Use #wfubday on social media to share your moments during campus events and your favorite Wake Forest memories.

And don’t forget to wish Mother, So Dear a happy birthday! Students: Share your Wake Forest birthday moments on Twitter or Instagram using #wfubday. Alumni: Send your birthday wishes via WFU’s Facebook page wall, via Instagram by creating a card and posting it using #wfubday and mentioning @wfuniversity, or via Twitter by clicking the button below:


Monday, February 3rd: “Social Media Take-Over”
Use #wfubday on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, etc. to share your wish for Wake Forest on its 18oth Birthday!

Tuesday, February 4th: “Birthday Extravaganza”
Cupcakes at Zick’s, 2 p.m. – 4 p.m
Meet up at Zick’s for cupcakes and hot chocolate!

Birthday Party in the Pit, 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Celebrate with birthday cake, festive hats, and more!

Tuesday Trivia, 8 p.m., Shorty’s
Grab your friends and test your knowledge of all things Wake Forest!

Wednesday, February 5th: “Honor Mother, So Dear”
Birthday Bash, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.,
Mag Quad

Visit with the 1834 Campaign and the IFC on the Mag Quad to express your gratitude for our Mother, So Dear.

Thursday, February 7th: “Throwback Thursday”
Meet the Traditions Council at the Pro Humanitate Seal for a tour of sacred Wake Forest spots on campus. Tours will begin at the top of each hour at 1 p.m., 2 p.m., and 3 p.m.

Follow along #wfubday & #tbt online as campus social media outlets highlight moments from WFU’s past.
Share your favorite Wake memories by using #wfubday & #tbt! Be sure to check out WFU on Twitter and Facebook, ZSR Library on Facebook, Campus Life on Facebook, and Wake Forest Magazine on Facebook to revisit some of the best of days gone by.

Friday, February 8th: “Birthday Wrap-Up”
Relive moments from Wake’s 180th Birthday as we share videos made from the week!


Sponsored by: 1834 Campaign, Office of Alumni Services, Campus Life, IFC, Aramark, Reynolda House, WF Athletics, and Student Union.

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