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On Thursday, January 9, Wake Forest alumni, family and friends from the Dallas-Fort Worth Metro Area gathered for a wonderful reception at the Dallas Country Club. This reception allowed for Wake Forest community members to connect around memories of college life, stories of personal and career experiences, and network with fellow Deacons in the DFW Area.

Club President Dave Beran (’02) welcomed everyone to the event and thanked them for coming, then host Curt Farmer (’84, MBA ’91, P ’16) gave an update on student life, structural and programmatic developments on campus, the success of the Wake Will Capital Campaign thus far, and introduced the evening’s speaker, Dr. Polly Black, the Director of the Center for Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship. Dr. Black’s message on the impact students are having through entrepreneurship on their peers, the Winston Salem community, and the world, reminded everyone in attendance why a liberal arts education at Wake Forest is invaluable. Dr. Black also showed the following video of student testimonies:

Special thanks to our gracious hosts, and to the Wake Forest Dallas Club President Dave Beran (’02), and Executive Committee members Lauren Mahomes (’12) and Swayze Smartt (’11, MS ’12) for helping the university put on this special event.

The Hosts:
Alice (P’16) and Curt (’84, MBA ’91, P ’16) Farmer
Jeanne Whitman Bobbitt (’79, MBA ’87) and Rhodes Bobbitt
Kim and Chuck Anderson (P ’11)
Cheryl (P’13) and Richard (’82, P ’13) Joyner
Kirsten and Mike Kerrigan (P ’17)
Joan and Chris (’77) Wellborn


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