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In the Alumni Office, we love seeing the demon deacon children of alumni! (Or pictures of alumni when they were little deacons themselves.)

And we figured we weren’t the only ones. Over the next several weeks, we will be featuring “darling deacons” here on Alumni, So Dear. It’s a chance for alumni parents to share with the Wake Forest community pictures of their children in all of their Black & Gold gear. We’re happy for alumni to take a walk down memory lane and send in any childhood Wake Forest photos of themselves, too.

This week’s Darling Deacon is 8-year-old Jack Collins, son of Walter Collins (’91). Walter majored in English and French in his time at Wake Forest. He is now Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Associate Professor of French and English at the University of South Carolina Lancaster. And his son Jack looks great in Black & Gold!

We are excited to share another darling deacon next week.

Would you like to be considered for darling deacon of the week? Email your photo and the names of those pictured, your name and class year, and any other related information to

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