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While Winston-Salem is outside Hurricane Sandy’s direct impact, we know that there are Wake Foresters who may have loved ones in affected areas. President Hatch sent the following message to parents, friends and alumni in affected areas on Monday, October 29:

Dear Wake Forest Alumni, Parents and Friends:

As the East Coast braces for the impact of Hurricane Sandy, please know that Wake Forest University holds you in our thoughts and prayers, and we will continue to do so in the coming days and weeks.

While Winston-Salem is outside the storm’s direct impact and those on our campus are safe, we are concerned about our Wake Forest family in the states along the Eastern seaboard. It is our sincere hope that you and your loved ones will be spared from this storm’s destructive path.

We reached out to the campus community earlier today and encouraged students to take advantage of our various support channels, including the University Counseling Center, Chaplain’s Office and Student Life. The University will continue to monitor the weather and determine what specifically we can do to help the Wake Forest community both on and off campus.

As the progress of this storm unfolds, please let us know if the Wake Forest community can support you in any way.

Nathan O. Hatch

On Tuesday, October 30, the University established an Outreach website in keeping with its efforts to support students, alumni, parents, faculty and staff with loved ones in areas affected by Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath. Visit the site at:

The website offers information on emerging plans by the University community to respond to the storm, as well as details on campus offices prepared to take calls from students, parents, alumni and others. Donation opportunities are presented, too.

As more plans or resources are announced, the Outreach website will be promptly updated. Please visit to see latest information.

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