Winston-Salem Young Alumni go to The Dash
On Thursday, May 17, a group of over 50 Winston-Salem Young Alumni gathered at BB&T Ballpark to watch The Winston-Salem Dash take on the Myrtle Beach Pelicans.
The evening began at Foothills, a familiar stomping ground for many recent grads. There’s never a shortage of fun to be had at the pub, from playing Trivia on Thursday nights to sipping the brewery’s signature Pale Ale and munching on gooey-filled-goodness cheese fries. MA and Law students mingled with Fellows and local young professionals, all the while discovering mutual friends, classes and adoration for Pit omelets.
At 7, everyone headed over to BB&T Ballpark and met up with other young alumni already donning white Dash hats.
At the bottom of the 6th inning, two Wake Foresters wiggled their way to victory in the “Mint Face Game,” contorting their noses and cheeks pinball-style, as they attempted to grab each mint with their tongue. Go Deacs! The excitement continued as our group’s name flashed on the big screen.
We couldn’t resist the opportunity to take a group picture with Bolt, the Dash’s red, burly mascot, either. We’re looking forward to celebrating the summer season with all our young alumni again soon!