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Please note that the Alumni-In-Admissions program is currently on hiatus.

The Alumni-in-Admissions program was established in 1984 through the joint efforts of the Office of Admissions and the Office of Alumni Activities. The program involves alumni volunteers in all phases of student recruitment, beginning with the identification of prospective students and continuing through to their matriculation at Wake Forest.

Because Wake Forest is committed to increasing its standing as a superior liberal arts institution, every effort is made to attract the outstanding college-age student. Through the Alumni-in-Admissions program, trained and well-informed alumni volunteers are able to serve as “in the field” representatives of the University, disseminating information about Wake Forest to attract and inform larger numbers of qualified applicants.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the AIA program?

The program is designed to involve alumni volunteers in the admissions process, from the identification of prospective students to their matriculation at Wake Forest. Through AIA, trained and well-informed alumni volunteers serve as “in the field” representatives of the University, in order to consistently attract outstanding college-bound students nationwide.

What do AIA volunteers do?

AIA volunteers assist the Admissions Office in the early identification and recruitment of strong candidates for admission to Wake Forest. AIA volunteers often represent the University at local college fairs. Many volunteers visit local high schools to speak individually with both students and guidance counselors. AIA volunteers are sometimes asked to serve as speakers on alumni panels at evening information sessions in their areas. In addition, they contact accepted students in order to answer questions and discuss Wake Forest, and they also may host or attend local receptions for admitted students and their parents. In these ways, large numbers of students receive information about the University and enjoy personal contact with informed local representatives. AIA volunteers may choose to be involved with as many or as few of these activities as their schedules permit.

Is there training?

On-campus training sessions generally are offered twice a year (usually Homecoming Weekend and once during the summer). All volunteers will be notified of training sessions 4-6 weeks in advance. New volunteers are strongly encouraged to attend a campus training session at the first available opportunity. Until they can attend a training session, volunteers should do a correspondence training by thoroughly reading the Wake Forest University Viewbook, the AIA Training Handbook and additional materials as they are received from the Admissions Office.

Get Involved

The Alumni-in-Admissions program involves more than 600 Wake Forest alumni volunteers throughout the United States.

If you’d like to volunteer, please:

  • Review the Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about the program, contact the AIA Volunteer Coordinator, Dawn Calhoun (’99, ’07 MA) at 336.758.5177 or