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Happy Birthday, Samuel Wait

Ye Are Not Your Own Rev. Samuel Wait was born 225 years ago today, Dec. 19, 1789 in what is now Washington County, N.Y., near Albany. Mary Tribble (’82), Senior Advisor for Engagement Strategies at Wake Forest and a direct descendent of Wait’s, offers her […]

Darling Deacon: Cornelia “Ellie” Prugh

In the Alumni Office, we love seeing the demon deacon children of alumni! (Or pictures of alumni when they were little deacons themselves.) And we figured we weren’t the only ones. We will be featuring “darling deacons” here on Alumni, So Dear. It’s a chance […]

Darling Deacon: Delaney Sullivan

In the Alumni Office, we love seeing the demon deacon children of alumni! (Or pictures of alumni when they were little deacons themselves.) And we figured we weren’t the only ones. We will be featuring “darling deacons” here on Alumni, So Dear. It’s a chance […]

Darling Deacon: Sutton Francis

In the Alumni Office, we love seeing the demon deacon children of alumni! (Or pictures of alumni when they were little deacons themselves.) And we figured we weren’t the only ones. We will be featuring “darling deacons” here on Alumni, So Dear. It’s a chance […]

Progressive Dinner and a Proposal!

On Saturday, November 1st, 22 alumni joined together on campus for the first ever “Alumni Progressive Dinner”, transitioning between the new dining options on campus, while enjoying time to connect with new and old Deacon faces. The alumni group began at Shorty’s to enjoy appetizers […]

Darling Deacon: Brooks Wooten

In the Alumni Office, we love seeing the demon deacon children of alumni! (Or pictures of alumni when they were little deacons themselves.) And we figured we weren’t the only ones. We will be featuring “darling deacons” here on Alumni, So Dear. It’s a chance […]
