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Dining with the Deacs

On Sunday, March 22nd, Dr. Dan Beavers (’01) and his family hosted a group of 7 seniors in their home for a “Dining with the Deacs”! Throughout the school year, Wake Forest alumni partner with the Office of Alumni Engagement in hosting students in their […]

Darling Deacon: Charlie Winter

In the Alumni Office, we love seeing the demon deacon children of alumni! (Or pictures of alumni when they were little deacons themselves.) And we figured we weren’t the only ones. We will be featuring “darling deacons” here on Alumni, So Dear. It’s a chance […]

The Junior Juncture: Navigating Decisions

On Wednesday, March 18th, seven Wake Forest alumni joined together on campus to be a part of a new initiative put on by the Office of Alumni Engagement. The intent of The Junior Juncture: Navigating What’s Next was to help over 40 juniors navigate the important “juncture” […]

Darling Deacons: Lilly and Anna Grace McCullough

In the Alumni Office, we love seeing the demon deacon children of alumni! (Or pictures of alumni when they were little deacons themselves.) And we figured we weren’t the only ones. We will be featuring “darling deacons” here on Alumni, So Dear. It’s a chance […]

Darling Deacon: Liam Mancuso

In the Alumni Office, we love seeing the demon deacon children of alumni! (Or pictures of alumni when they were little deacons themselves.) And we figured we weren’t the only ones. We will be featuring “darling deacons” here on Alumni, So Dear. It’s a chance […]

Support for WFU’s Associate Chaplain for Muslim Life

Dear Wake Forest Alumni, Many of you recently received a confusing email from Wake Forest alumnus Donald Woodsmall outlining his concerns about an associate chaplain at Wake Forest. Mr. Woodsmall has been waging a campaign against Imam Khalid Griggs since soon after the University hired […]
